2e 101

Support 2e At School

We believe that any school can incorporate 2e-friendly practices that will benefit not only 2e students, but all students.

Why isn’t my 2e child thriving at school?

When a student’s abilities don’t line up with established norms, conventional wisdom says to focus on remediating those skills. But this deficit-focused approach can quickly dampen the student’s self-confidence, enthusiasm – even their willingness to try.

For a 2e student to feel valued and connected enough to be open to learning, it’s essential to first identify and focus on their strengths and interests. When this approach is combined with executive functioning support and social-emotional learning, and delivered in a supportive learning environment among intellectual peers, 2e students can thrive at school.

2e Best Practices

  • Strength-based learning
  • Talent development
  • Intellectual peer grouping
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Experiential learning
  • Executive functioning support
  • Social-emotional learning

2e Support for Parents and Educators

As educators of the gifted and 2e, we specialize in developing strategies for supporting a diverse constellation of needs. Our experts are happy to share this expertise through parent workshops and professional development programming.

We invite you to use the links below to sign in for free access to recordings of some of our recent workshops for parents and educators, or to schedule a program for your own school community.