Digital Quilt

One of the most fruitful lessons of the Civil Rights Movement was that it takes everyone working together to achieve significant social change. Another was that American diversity is a strength and something to be proud of. In that spirit, FlexSchool’s Cloud Campus students came together from multiple locations around the globe to create a digital quilt commemorating the events of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, and honoring the diverse contributions of history-makers in Black political, athletic, religious, cultural and creative communities.
This stunning work is the culmination of the Cloud Campus digital quilt project, which began on Martin Luther King Day and has continued to grow throughout Black History Month. Each square of the quilt links to information about the research topic depicted in its digital design. This beautiful patchwork, like the history it represents, creates a whole that is so much greater than the sum of its parts.

Click to view the digital quilt with its links.