A Letter From Our Founder

Jacqui Byrne
Dear Friends,

I am so excited to be celebrating a tremendous milestone this year: FlexSchool is turning 10!

We opened our doors in 2014 to just seven students in borrowed space. Since then, thanks to the support of our wonderful parents, our incredible faculty, the many professionals who support 2e kids and families beyond the classroom, and most of all, our amazing students themselves – FlexSchool has grown from that tiny founding class to a thriving global learning community of three campuses with students from 23 countries.
And, as excited as I am about the growth of our own school community, I am equally thrilled at the growth of awareness, acceptance, research and resources in the larger 2e community. 

Watching my own smart, creative 6th graders start to dread school was painful. When their mental health deteriorated, I knew I had to find them another school, but there wasn’t one that was a good fit. At the time, I naively thought, “How hard can starting a school be?” 

What followed was the most creative, difficult, and rewarding journey of my professional life. And, ironically, I am so grateful to my now adult children, because I want to work with these amazing students forever. 

When I started FlexSchool, I had to start with the kids and build a school around what they needed to thrive. At the time, it was largely experimental; awareness of 2e – my own, and in education in general – grew over time. 

I've gained so much perspective and boots-on-the-ground insight. The signature programs that have become foundational at FlexSchool today grew from our experience, and align with research-based best practices for 2e learners.

This is no longer just a school - it’s a movement. And I’m honored to be a part of it.

I want to be the first to invite you to celebrate this incredible moment with us. 

We’ll be hosting events and celebrations throughout the year, and we’d love for you to join us as a guest, a sponsor, or both, so that you can connect with our incredible community of FlexSchool families and alumni, our local community members and businesses, and our professional network.

In addition, I am committed to giving back to the wider 2e community by providing outreach and education through our new online resource, 2e 101. We’ll be sharing expert tips, resources, and a unique window into the lived experiences of parents, professionals, educators and students we’ve met over 10 years of 2e and gifted education.

So please, take a look around and check back often for the latest updates on this amazing year.

With gratitude,


P.S. If you know someone who could benefit from learning more about 2e, please invite them to visit the links below!

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